
What does it mean to be subject to the Regulations?

Understanding the Economic Substance Regulations: Who Needs to Comply?

Being subject to the Economic Substance Regulations means that a business falls within the scope of the regulations and is required to comply with their provisions. The ESR applies to entities that engage in specific activities known as “Relevant Activities” within the UAE.

The Relevant Activities include:

  1. Banking Business
  2. Insurance Business
  3. Investment Fund Management Business
  4. Lease-Finance Business
  5. Headquarters Business
  6. Shipping Business
  7. Holding Company Business
  8. Intellectual Property Business
  9. Distribution and Service Centre Business

If a business carries out any of these relevant activities, it is considered subject to the ESR. As a result, the business must meet the economic substance requirements and fulfill reporting obligations as outlined by the regulations.

The economic substance requirements generally include the following:

  1. Conducting Core Income-Generating Activities (CIGAs): The business must ensure that the CIGAs relevant to its activities are conducted within the UAE.
  2. Adequate and Appropriate Operating Expenditure: The business should have sufficient operating expenditure, premises, and employees in the UAE to carry out its activities effectively.
  3. Directed and Managed in the UAE: The business’s board of directors or equivalent should make strategic decisions within the UAE.

Failure to meet these requirements can result in penalties, including financial sanctions and potential reputational damage. It is important for businesses subject to the regulations to actively assess their compliance and take appropriate measures to fulfill their obligations.


Being subject to the Economic Substance Regulations in the UAE means that a business engages in one or more of the relevant activities listed in the regulations. This entails complying with the economic substance requirements, conducting CIGAs in the UAE, maintaining adequate operating expenditure, and ensuring that strategic decisions are made within the UAE. Businesses subject to the ESR must stay informed about their obligations, carry out internal assessments, and take proactive steps to meet the requirements. Compliance with the regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure adherence to the UAE’s regulatory framework.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or professional advice.

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